Biomolecular Sensors Based on Nanopore Sequencing

Plant pathogenic microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, viruses, and virus-like organisms, are the causative agents of many plant infectious diseases, which are a serious threat to global agricultural development and the safety of agricultural products. Biomolecular sensors are a new means of pathogen detection, and Lifeasible has developed a biomolecular sensor to detect plant pathogenic microorganisms. It is accurate, sensitive, and low-cost, essential for preventing the spread of plant infectious diseases.
Nucleic acid recognition biomolecular sensors for plant pathogen detection
We can provide biosensors utilizing nucleic acid hybridization electrochemical and optical biosensing technologies. Newly introduced nanopore sequencing and gene editing technologies are also used by us for plant pathogen detection.

Biomolecular Sensors Based on Nanopore Sequencing